Producing your own product and selling them to clients is definitely one way to approach the marketing business. However, this does require a lot of investment, not only in terms of money, but also your time and effort. If you want to earn money without the normal business procedures then perhaps the choice of affiliate marketing is for you.
Affiliate marketing is a joint venture between a product or service merchant and a salesman or marketer. The merchant does all the work and the marketer takes charge of marketing and promotion. Both parties make money with every sale that is made.
This system is beneficial to the merchant as they do not need to spend as much time on marketing or promoting their product as they can leave that side of their business to their army of affiliates. The marketers on the other hand will have an unlimited earning potential, determined only by his capability as a seller and promoter.
Earning Money From Affiliate Sales
Affiliate marketers get paid with every sale or referral that results from their site. When an affiliate registers with a program, they are usually assigned a unique link that allows the merchant to track where the sales are coming from. The affiliate marketers sales commissions are then calculated periodically, and paid through an agreed method of payment.
The Affiliate Product to Promote
There are unlimited amounts of products and services to market, and your choice will play a large part in determining your earning potential. It is advisable to select a product or service that you yourself are interested in and that gives you a reasonable percentage in terms of sales commission.
Knowing about your product makes it easier to answer any questions your customers may have. An authoritative and well-informed marketer will certainly attract more clients. Also having knowledge about what you are selling, will allow you to promote credible ads and product reviews.
Most merchants will actually give you a bunch of marketing literature that you can use, and it would be to your advantage if you really go through these materials before even starting to promote the products. A manufacturer's inability or refusal to do this reflects poorly on his company and you should seriously consider moving to a different merchant.
Many companies offer 50% or more on their sales commissions. Companies that offer multi-level affiliate programs are among the most popular and most successful as well. Many companies do not have personal requirements for their marketers, therfore there is no need for them to select affiliates.